City Council

The City Council is committed to fostering a vibrant and sustainable future for Fossil. Our elected officials work together to ensure the community’s needs are met, from infrastructure improvements to fostering local business growth. The Fossil City Council meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Jeanne Burch Building located at 401 Fourth Street, Fossil Oregon 97830.

Learn more about the Council’s work and how we strive to make Fossil an even better place to live.


Carol MacInnes

Council Members

Cindy Burlingame

Council President
Streets & Parks Commissioner
Museum Board Representative

Chad Macomber

Water Commissioner
Sewer Commissioner

Julie Knox-Lyon

Planning Commissioner
 Cemetery Representative

Geoffrey Brownell

Ambulance Commissioner
Library Board Representative

Meeting Schedule & Agendas

Stay informed about the decisions that shape Fossil’s future. View the City Council’s meeting schedule, agendas, and meeting minutes to learn more about ongoing projects and discussions impacting our town.

We encourage our residents to get involved in local government. Attend City Council meetings, participate in public comments, or learn how you can run for office and have a direct impact on the future of Fossil.

City of Fossil
401 Main Street
PO Box 467
Fossil, Oregon 97830

Phone: 541-763-2698

Relay Service:  711

City Hall Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00 AM – 1:30 PM

2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday